Studio Information
Piano lessons are weekly and  30, 45 or 60 minutes long.
Dancing Fingers works around your schedule.

For school-age students (5-18), the curriculum is structured around the school year and the main holidays.
Two Semesters per year, September - May;
and an optional and flexible Summer Session in June, July or August.
Annual Recital  and Performance Classes are part of the curriculum. Participation in local piano events are available and optional.
For adults please inquire as to curriculum and scheduling.

Piano Lessons: 

Private lessons in a home based  Studio (South Naples)

Private lessons via Zoom

Student tuition will be billed in advance for each month. Tuition due on the first of each month. 

Payment method:
Zelle, Venmo, Apple Cash, Check, or direct payment through your personal online portal.

Absentee Policy:

My schedule is pretty well set and the students have a confirmed day and time for their lessons.

However, as we are all busy with our own schedules, I am reminding you of how I work with missed lessons.

-If I cancel a lesson, you will be given a make up or a refund.
-If a student cancels due to illness, please DON'T come and let me know  as soonest as possible.
You will not be charged for this lesson. I may or may not always be able to offer a make up.

-If you have a pre-planned absence (sports, vacation time, doctor appointments etc)
notify me in advance, at least 24-hours, so I will plan for that available place.
You will not be charged if notice is given in advanced or at least 24-hours in advance.

-If you don't show up for the lesson and are unable to notify me, you still will be charged for the lesson.

In most circumstances, I will try to arrange a make up lesson. However, they are not guaranteed.

Termination Policy:

If a student would like to terminate lessons completely, I will need a 2-week notice to avoid to been charged.